LIFE Survey
Definitions for terms included in the LIFE Survey Data Report and Data Explorer.
Download the data dictionary for the LIFE Survey dataset.
All calculations are weighted by gender and age, education level, race, and geographic region.
Access to Reliable Transportation
Percent of respondents concerned about access to reliable transportation in the next 30 days of work. Respondents who selected "Does not apply to me" are excluded from the calculation. Segmented into currently employed respondents and nonemployed respondents of working age (18–55 years old).
The age range that applied to a respondent at the time of the survey.
Cannot Pay Some or Any Bills Right Now
Percent of respondents who cannot afford to pay some or any of their monthly bills at the time of the survey.
Concerned About Making Ends Meet in 7 to 12 Months
Percent of respondents who are concerned about making ends meet in the next 7–12 months.
Concerned About Making Ends Meet in the Next 6 Months
Percent of respondents who are concerned about making ends meet in the next 0–6 months.
Cut Discretionary Spending
Percent of respondents who cut discretionary spending (for instance, entertainment or dining out) to help afford monthly bill payments during the prior 12 months.
Cut Essential Spending
Percent of respondents who cut essential spending (for instance, food or medical care) to help afford monthly bill payments during the prior 12 months.
Employer Cutting Their Job
Percent of respondents concerned about their employer cutting their job in the next 30 days of work. Respondents who selected "Does not apply to me" are excluded from the calculation. Segmented into currently employed respondents and nonemployed respondents of working age (18–55 years old).
Experienced Any Disruption
Percent of respondents who reported experiencing at least one financial disruption during the prior 12 months.
Exposure to Illness
Percent of respondents concerned about exposure to illness in the next 30 days of work. Respondents who selected "Does not apply to me" are excluded from the calculation. Segmented into currently employed respondents and nonemployed respondents of working age (18–55 years old).
Finding/Keeping Childcare
Percent of respondents concerned about finding or keeping childcare in the next 30 days of work. Respondents who selected "Does not apply to me" are excluded from the calculation. Segmented into currently employed respondents and nonemployed respondents of working age (18–55 years old).
The gender reported by the respondent. Responses other than male and female comprise less than 2 percent of volume across all surveys. Those responses are assigned randomly to male or female for analytical purposes and reporting.
Housing Cost Increased Unexpectedly
Percent of respondents whose housing costs (mortgage or rent payments) increased unexpectedly in the prior 12 months.
The annual personal income, in ranges, reported by the respondent.
Net Optimism About Income
The net percentage of respondents who estimate that their personal income will increase in the current year compared with the prior year. Calculated as the percent of respondents expecting an increase in income minus the percent expecting a decrease in income.
Net Sentiment Change Since Last Year
The net change in general sentiment compared with the prior year. Calculated as the percent of respondents reporting a positive change in sentiment minus the percent reporting a negative change.
The race or ethnicity reported by the respondent. In Data Reports, response values other than White non-Hispanic, Black, and Hispanic are combined into a single "Other" category because of smaller volumes across surveys.
Significant Out-of-Pocket Non-Healthcare Expense
Percent of respondents who experienced a significant out-of-pocket nonmedical expense (for instance, a vehicle repair, appliance replacement, or home maintenance) in the prior 12 months.
Used Any Financial Coping Strategy
Percent of respondents who reported using at least one financial coping strategy to help afford monthly bill payments during the prior 12 months.