Surveys & Data

Philadelphia Fed economists, researchers, and analysts advise Federal Reserve policymakers and serve as a source of knowledge and expertise on the economy and monetary policy. This page is a portal to the data, reports, and forecasts generated by these experts from surveys, analysis, econometric models, and a unique real-time macroeconomic data set. This work covers topics in many areas including economics, community development, and banking.

Real-Time Data Research >

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Livingston Survey

The oldest continuous survey of economists' expectations that summarizes the forecasts of economists from industry, government, banking, and academia

Updated: 20 Dec ’24

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Survey of Professional Forecasters

The oldest quarterly survey of macroeconomic forecasts in the United States

Updated: 14 Feb ’25

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Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index

An index designed to track real business conditions at high observation frequency

Updated: 20 Mar ’25

Regional Economic Analysis >

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Manufacturing Business Outlook Survey

Monthly survey of manufacturers in the Third District

Updated: 20 Mar ’25

November 2019 Map

State Coincident Indexes

Monthly index of general economic conditions for each of the 50 states

Updated: 31 Jan ’25

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Third District Beige Book

Qualitative assessment of economic conditions in the Third District released prior to each FOMC meeting

Updated: 05 Mar ’25

Macroeconomic Data >

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Fujita, Moscarini, and Postel-Vinay Employer-to-Employer Transition Probability

Fujita, Moscarini, and Postel-Vinay Employer-to-Employer Transition Probability tracks the rate at which U.S. workers transition from one employer to another in a given month.

Updated: 14 Mar ’25

Partisan Conflict Index

Tracks the degree of political disagreement among U.S. politicians at the federal level.

Updated: 12 Mar ’25

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Philadelphia Research Intertemporal Stochastic Model-II (PRISM-II)

The Philadelphia Research Intertemporal Stochastic Model-II (PRISM-II) is the second-generation dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model that is being developed by the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

Updated: 24 Mar ’25

Consumer Finance Data >

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Labor, Income, Finances, and Expectations (LIFE) Survey

The Labor, Income, Finances, and Expectations (LIFE) Survey collects data on topics related to the Consumer Finance Institute’s mission to better understand how people earn, spend, save, and invest, as well as how credit markets and payment systems affect the economy.

Updated: 26 Feb ’25

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Advancing Fairness in Lending Through Machine Learning

Showcasing the work of Philadelphia Fed researchers, this interactive data visualization explores an approach to credit lending using machine learning and fairness goals that may help address current disparities in credit access.

Updated: 05 Feb ’24

Philadelphia’s History of Racially Restricted Housing

As part of the Philadelphia Fed’s efforts to understand how housing affects the economy in our District, our researchers are studying the links between past housing discrimination and present-day outcomes.

Updated: 20 Feb ’24

Community Development Data & Charts >

Occupational Mobility Explorer

This interactive tool sheds light on career pathways in the U.S. labor market. The tool allows users to explore career paths and visualize how job skills needed for specific occupations can transfer to higher-paying occupations in the same geographical area.

Updated: 23 Sep ’24

Anchor Economy Dashboard

Explore the economic impact of anchor institutions in 524 regions across the U.S. The reliance index demonstrates how dependent regional economies are on these institutions and provides a measure of the national average.

Updated: 06 May ’24

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Consumer Credit Explorer

The Consumer Credit Explorer (CCE) is an interactive tool for examining trends in consumer credit use at the regional, state, and national levels.

Updated: 22 May ’24

Banking Data >

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Large Bank Credit Card and Mortgage Data

The Large Bank Consumer Credit Data are based on Y-14M credit card and mortgage data provided by the largest financial institutions in the United States.

Updated: 22 Jan ’25

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Institutions in the Third District

This interactive tool summarizes information about banks and holding companies within the Third District (comprising eastern and central Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and Delaware) and provides each institution’s location and asset size as of the most recent quarter.

Updated: 13 Feb ’25

Map of the Third Federal Reserve District

Third District Banking Conditions

Third District Banking Conditions is a semiannual report comparing the trends of Third District community banks with their national peers.

Updated: 10 Mar ’25