As the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, we oversee holding companies and state-chartered member banks throughout the Third Federal Reserve District. We promote safety and soundness, ensure customers are treated fairly, and serve as a center of knowledge and resources for our District.

Outreach & Training
We offer events, publications, and speaking engagements to connect with the institutions we supervise and to keep them apprised of the latest policies, industry trends, and economic developments. Our subject matter experts are available to visit your institution for advice and onsite training upon request.
Contact Us
To request an onsite visit, training, or advice from one of our experts.

Our Outreach in the Third District
As the Senior Vice President and Lending Officer for Supervision, Regulation, and Credit, I look forward to sharing our resources and insights with you. It’s always helpful to hear about local conditions and what is impacting your area; if you have any specific topics that you would like to see addressed, please share them here.
- Bill Spaniel, Senior Vice President and Lending Officer